Month: January 2011

  • Life pulled you in many directions that you didn't anticipate. You got a taste of life. You gained some self-awareness. You stopped going through life thinking that things happen to you. You stopped blaming people around you - your ex, your boss, friends, etc. You finally saw the role you played in what happened to you.

  • Your perspective, outlook and mindset in life have changed dramatically in a few short years. When you were 21, you thought you'd be in love forever, and that love would conquer all. Fast forward to a few years later, you're happy, but forever's not so long and dreams only exist to get you through the days. When you were younger, you used to think that things would work out on their own. You would have a career, a family, health, a life, simply because you showed up. Now that you're older, you realize that these things only happen (or will happen) because you make them happen.  You've shifted from thinking that there is "you" and there is "the world" to thinking and believing that YOU ARE the world, and any changes you want to see in the world, either your personal world, or the world at large, must come through your actions.

  • There are good days and there are bad days. And then there are those days where you just want to curl up in a ball, break down and cry. Your chest clenches in pain. You sob and you whimper like a lost child. Your body shakes with all the emotions that you've been fighting to keep inside. You cry because you can't take it anymore and you just have to release the burden in your heart. You cry until there are no tears left, and you no longer have the energy to do anything except passing out on your bed. You get a good night of sleep and tomorrow will just be another day.

  • You're a stranger

    I don't know you

    You don't exist.

    You're a fantasy

    You're a fabrication of my inner desires and dreams

    You're pure wishful thinking

    You're nothing more than a figment of my imagination yet for some reasons, my subconscious forces me to continually refer to you as if you exist.

    So tell me, are you just an illusion or am I the one who's losing touch with reality?

  • Dark chocolate covered espresso beans are so good! They're a perfect blend of two things I absolutely love: chocolate and coffee.The smoothness of the dark earthy chocolate combined with the crunch and smokey flavor of the coffee beans is irresistibly mouthwatering and delightfully addictive. Not only that, they're also a wonderful pick me up in the middle of the day when I have no access to coffee (or too lazy to drive to Starbucks). However, for some odd reasons, I would always get blisters on the inside of my cheeks whenever I eat those little scrumptious monsters.

    What a disappointment! How could something tastes so good, be so bad (for me)?

    People often say that just because something tastes good, doesn't mean it's not toxic. Just because something tastes good, doesn't mean it's good for you or that you should eat it. Similarly, just because you love someone, doesn't mean you should be with them. In life, it's tough giving up on something you love, but sometimes, you have to. No matter how long you've been together as a couple or how committed to one another you believe you are, if you're not a match for each other, then go. Go find your happiness. It's never too late for that. It's hard to accept, but you just have to cut your losses and move on. Move on to something else, not necessarily something bigger or better, but something that's more suited for you. Kind of like a piece of puzzle that fits. There's no point in trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, because no matter how hard you try, it won't fit. It just won't, and you'll have to accept that fact.

    No more dark chocolate covered espresso beans for me!