November 23, 2011

  • You always hurt the one you love, the one you should not hurt at all;
    You always take the sweetest rose, and crush it till the petals fall;
    You always break the kindest heart, with a hasty word you can't recall;
    So if I broke your heart last night, it's because I love you most of all. The Mills Brothers

    You always hurt the one you love. Why? How can you both love and hurt the same person? Sure, there are people who deliberately hurt another person and simultaneously claim to love that person when they don't. I'm not talking about those people. The people in question are the ones that actually love you. Why is the person that you love the most the one that causes you the most pain? How can the same person who brings you so much joy, yet, is also capable of hurting you deeply?

    Is it because you're more emotionally invested in those you love the most, therefore, you have more to lose? Is it because you're so significant to each other that the slightest, most innocent remark or action can be interpreted as something hurtful even though it wasn't intended that way? Is it because the more you care, the more vulnerable you are to getting hurt? Or perhaps it's because when you love someone, your wall of security, the same wall that protects your softest and most tender parts from people in general, is not there anymore; therefore, you're more susceptible to pain?

    Does love with out pain exist?

    Love without pain, disappointment and frustration? Is that possible? Then again, do you really want a life without pain and anguish? What's happiness without pain, without tears, without sadness? Is it better to break one's heart than to do nothing with it? Would you rather take pain now and then over the lack of emotions, indifference, and ambivalence? Ambivalence, painless indifference, to me, is a dangerous feeling. It's damaging to the relationship, leaving you in a limbo, restless and indecisive state. But I digress. Perhaps another entry for another day.

    Back to the question: Why do you hurt the one you love? I don't know. So many questions, so little answers. I wish my Xanga could talk back, sometimes.