
  • There comes a time in your life when you, finally, realize that following you heart, sometimes, takes you to places you shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes, your heart cannot take you to places that lead to happy ending. And that's quite alright, because you have come to terms with the fact that there aren't always fairytale endings (or beginnings for that matter).

    You realize that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say, intentionally or unintentionally, and that not everyone will always come through. There comes a time when you learn that saying is not doing, and action speaks louder than words. You realize that people grow and change, so it is with love and relationships, and that not everyone can always love you the way you would want them to.

    In the end, you realize that It’s okay to be fragile, to feel as if the smallest breeze will shatter you into a million pieces, and to cry when your heart is broken, and overwhelmed with sadness. You don't have to pretend that you're strong and put on a brave face. Letting your guard down doesn't mean that you're vulnerable, because just like how there's a rainbow after the rain, there's healing after the pain.

  • Những nỗi buồn ta không thể nói ra

    Những nỗi buồn chỉ thoảng qua nhè nhẹ

    Những nỗi buồn tưởng chừng như rất khẽ

    Nhưng nó làm đau nhói trái tim ta

  • Walking along the beach on a lovely, gloomy day as I was mesmerized by the gentle rolling waves hitting the shoreline.The beach was quiet and calming. The wet sand tickled my toes as the ocean breeze fluttered my hair and gave me the goosebumps. It has been gloomy in more ways than one, but today, the sun was peeking out of the clouds, warming my soul like little rays of hope and faith on a spring morning. While my heart remains heavy, I am hopeful (and thankful)

  • It's impossible to avoid pain in life. Everyone has the ability to hurt and to be hurt. That is, people are going to hurt you now and then and vice versa. Most people don't want to hurt others, and choose not to. Some people make a bad choice, and hurt others. In the end, everyone hurts and gets hurt. What's more twisted is that sometimes, people don't even know that they're hurting others.

  • You always hurt the one you love, the one you should not hurt at all;
    You always take the sweetest rose, and crush it till the petals fall;
    You always break the kindest heart, with a hasty word you can't recall;
    So if I broke your heart last night, it's because I love you most of all. The Mills Brothers

    You always hurt the one you love. Why? How can you both love and hurt the same person? Sure, there are people who deliberately hurt another person and simultaneously claim to love that person when they don't. I'm not talking about those people. The people in question are the ones that actually love you. Why is the person that you love the most the one that causes you the most pain? How can the same person who brings you so much joy, yet, is also capable of hurting you deeply?

    Is it because you're more emotionally invested in those you love the most, therefore, you have more to lose? Is it because you're so significant to each other that the slightest, most innocent remark or action can be interpreted as something hurtful even though it wasn't intended that way? Is it because the more you care, the more vulnerable you are to getting hurt? Or perhaps it's because when you love someone, your wall of security, the same wall that protects your softest and most tender parts from people in general, is not there anymore; therefore, you're more susceptible to pain?

    Does love with out pain exist?

    Love without pain, disappointment and frustration? Is that possible? Then again, do you really want a life without pain and anguish? What's happiness without pain, without tears, without sadness? Is it better to break one's heart than to do nothing with it? Would you rather take pain now and then over the lack of emotions, indifference, and ambivalence? Ambivalence, painless indifference, to me, is a dangerous feeling. It's damaging to the relationship, leaving you in a limbo, restless and indecisive state. But I digress. Perhaps another entry for another day.

    Back to the question: Why do you hurt the one you love? I don't know. So many questions, so little answers. I wish my Xanga could talk back, sometimes.

  • Tình Yêu Và Cuộc Sống By NK

    Người ta có thể yêu một người nồng nàn, nhưng cảm giác ấy cũng không thể trốn tránh thời gian mà bỗng dưng phai nhạt.
    Một người có thể là cả thế giới đối với ta lúc này... nhưng cũng có thể biến thành vật cản của ta trong một thời điểm khác.
    Chuyện tình cảm cũng giống như lòng người, khi đầy - khi với, rất khó đoán.
    Thế nên, đừng trách thế gian sao bội bạc, chỉ tiếc cuộc đời lắm gian nan

    Khoảng cách xa nhất của hai tâm hồn trong tình yêu không phải là không gian hay thời gian, mà là hai chí hướng khác nhau, nơi mà hai tâm hồn mất đi quan tâm và thông cảm.

    Người ta thường khó mà học được cách nói lời tạm biệt với tình yêu khi không còn chung bước, khó mà chấp nhận để tình yêu đã qua trở thành kỷ niệm và khó đành lòng để người đã yêu trở thành dĩ vãng.

    Cuộc sống là một chuỗi ngọt bùi cay đắng, điều này ai cũng biết, ai cũng sẽ phải trải qua dù ít hay nhiều. Nhưng bạn là người sẽ lựa chọn cho chính mình một hướng đi tích cực hay tiêu cực. Đừng làm cuộc sống của bạn càng ngày càng không phải màu hồng, nó làm cho bạn mệt mỏi và làm cho những người quan tâm tới bạn ưu phiền theo nữa. Chúng ta sống trên đời có được bao lâu? Hãy gạt bỏ ưu phiền, hãy làm cuộc sống của bạn tươi vui hơn dù điều đấy có khó khăn đi chăng nữa.

    Con người ta gặp nhau nhờ DUYÊN
    Yêu nhau bởi NỢ và chia ly do PHẬN
    Nếu đã là DUYÊN thì dù có xa cách thế nào cũng tìm đc đường gặp lại
    Nếu đã là NỢ thì dù có trốn tránh tới đâu cũng không thoát được
    Và khi đã là PHẬN thì đơn giản không thể chống lại...

    Không ai có thể đi tìm thấy tình yêu khi tình yêu cố tình lẩn trố. Không ai có thể trốn tránh được tình yêu khi tình yêu đến bên.

    Không bên cạnh, không có nghĩa là ngừng yêu thương
    Không nói chuyện, không có nghĩa là không nhung nhớ
    Dù ở xa nhưng vẫn chung nhịp thở
    Dù chẳng gần nhưng vẫn ở trong tim

    Con người ta có thể đứng yên giữa dòng nước chảy xiết nhưng không thể đứng yên giữa dòng đời xuôi ngược.

    Có những nỗi đau tự mình phải kết thúc. Có những giọt nước mắt tự mình phải lau khô. Và có những nụ cười tự mình phải tìm lại.

    Ai cũng phải cần khao khát một điều gì đó để có thể tồn tại

    Ở sai lầm thời gian gặp gỡ đúng người, là một hồi đau lòng. Ở đúng thời gian gặp gỡ sai lầm người, là một tiếng thở dài tức tưởi. Ở đúng thời gian gặp gỡ đúng người, là cả đời hạnh phúc. Ở sai lầm thời gian gặp được sai lầm người, là một đoạn hoang đường. Buông tha cho một người thực yêu ngươi, cũng không thống khổ. Buông tha cho một người ngươi thực yêu, mới là thống khổ. Yêu say đắm một người không yêu ngươi, lại càng thống khổ. Nếu là hữu duyên, thời gian, không gian cũng không là khoảng cách. Nếu là vô duyên, cuối cùng gặp nhau cũng vô phương hiểu ý. Lấy việc không cần quá để ý, lại càng không nhu đi cưỡng cầu Khiến cho hết thảy tùy duyên đi...

    Khi một giọt nước tràn ly thì có cố gắng mấy cũng không thể cứu vãn được, Khi con người không còn đồng cảm được với nhau thì ngôn ngữ chỉ là rác rưởi

  • I like darkness. Not metaphorically speaking, but literally. I enjoy the lack of light. Sometimes, I wonder if I was a vampire in another lifetime. I rarely have the light on in my room except when I really need it. My curtain is drawn most of the time. I prefer eating in darkness (though it's not quite practical); talking in the dark; and I especially like to shower in the dark. The darkness of the room is quite relaxing. All your troubles, your sadness seem to disappear, your mind is calm and peaceful, your heart is light, and what's left is just you and the soothing sound of water running over you. 

  • "Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless..." -The Sheltering Sky

    How many decades do we really have in a lifetime?

  • I think that if something is worth having, then, it's, definitely, worth fighting for. The same concept applies to love and relationships. I've always believed that all is fair in love and war, and if you love someone, you should fight for your love. We all know about this concept. The dilemma here is how do you know when something is worth fighting for.

    In both love and war, it's important for you to know what exactly you're fighting for, and deciding whether it's worth it or not. The last thing you want is fighting for someone who's not fighting to love you. That's just insanity, right? We all deserve to be loved. We all deserve someone who fights for our love. We all deserve someone who doesn't need convincing.

    At the end of the day, we all have choices; and if someone wants to be a part of our lives, they, themselves, should CHOOSE to fight for their place, no? So, how much fighting is too much? How do you know when it's time to surrender or retreat? Perhaps the better question is: Are you even fighting the right battle?

  • Everyday you wake up and you're faced with hundreds of decisions. Some decisions you make without much conscious deliberation, such as going to work, what outfit to wear, whether to go to the park to run, etc. Others you lose sleep over.

    There's a time in your life when you decide to be patient, to hold on, or to let go. The problem is figuring out which time is what. Making the right choices when it comes to matter of the heart is not easy, and you end up tossing and turning at night over it. You want things to change so you patiently wait for them to become better. When things aren't changed, and you can't accept the way things are so you want to let go, but you don't know how. You want more and you deserve more, but at the same time, hope is holding you back. You hope and hope that things will change for the better.

    People say that hope is a good thing, but hope, sometimes, is not enough, because at the end of the day, you have to look out for your best interest. As an adult, you're intelligent enough to evaluate the situation, and make an educated decision. But how can you make an emotional decision solely based on rationale? You're smart and strong, yet your heart is making you weak. So, what are you supposed to do when you're unhappy, yet you can't make a stand for your heart?