Month: July 2011

  • Everyday you wake up and you're faced with hundreds of decisions. Some decisions you make without much conscious deliberation, such as going to work, what outfit to wear, whether to go to the park to run, etc. Others you lose sleep over.

    There's a time in your life when you decide to be patient, to hold on, or to let go. The problem is figuring out which time is what. Making the right choices when it comes to matter of the heart is not easy, and you end up tossing and turning at night over it. You want things to change so you patiently wait for them to become better. When things aren't changed, and you can't accept the way things are so you want to let go, but you don't know how. You want more and you deserve more, but at the same time, hope is holding you back. You hope and hope that things will change for the better.

    People say that hope is a good thing, but hope, sometimes, is not enough, because at the end of the day, you have to look out for your best interest. As an adult, you're intelligent enough to evaluate the situation, and make an educated decision. But how can you make an emotional decision solely based on rationale? You're smart and strong, yet your heart is making you weak. So, what are you supposed to do when you're unhappy, yet you can't make a stand for your heart?

  • You trust and you give, because your heart tells you to, even though what you see tells you otherwise. Perhaps it's an act of foolishness. Or perhaps, you're taking a big leap of faith. After all, I think that when you expect the best out of people, they usually will live up to it. Or so I hope, because really, how do you protect yourself from getting hurt or heart broken?